Municipal Renovations Committee
Minutes of Meeting
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Torrington City Hall, 6:30 PM
Members in Attendance: Ed Cook, Dr. Isadore Temkin, Michael Clark, Alan Zordan, Mayor Ryan Bingham. Others in Attendance: Stephen Nocera, Mayoral Aide, Jerry Rollett, Public Works Director, Glenn Yeakel, Friar Associates, Bob Prentis, O&G Industries.
- Motion to open the meeting by Mr. Zordan, seconded by Mr. Cook.
- Approval of Minutes of MRC Meeting of March 18, 2010: motion to approve by Mr. Zordan, seconded by Mr. Cook.
- Overview of project construction status –by Mr. Prentis: the third floor is complete and the punch list compiled by O&G has been executed. The architect and MRC members performed their inspection and a compilation of results will be furnished to O&G for correction. The second floor is essentially complete and O&G is compiling the punch list for that area. The architect and MRC will tour the same area within the next ten days to do likewise. The majority of work left on the first floor involves the Veterans Memorial area and front stairwell. Those tasks are on schedule and floor polishing on floor one will be completed before 4/23/10. Installation of floor protection by BKM will begin on Friday, 4/23 in anticipation of furniture delivery on Monday 4/26. All furniture will be offloaded and
brought to the appropriate areas within three days of delivery. Set up of furniture will be completed within five days of delivery. Sidewalks are complete on Main Street and City Hall Avenue; landscaping and lawn replacement will be completed by 4/23.
- Project Three Week Look Ahead – Mr. Prentis stated that final paving at TCH, cleaning operations and landscaping at the Traffic Building would be completed during the next three weeks.
- Overview of Friar Associates work in process: Mr. Yeakel stated that Friar is focusing on coordination/installation of the Veterans Memorial, and performing punch list visits in all remaining areas of the project.
- Update of City Hall Entrance Lighting Restoration: Mr. Cook stated that lighting has been completely restored including all lighting components. Turri Electric has the fixtures and is coordinating installation with landscaping and paving operations currently in progress in the front area of City Hall.
- Update on status of Front Entrance over-door grills. Mr. Cook stated that he had met the contractor involved at the project site and that the only remaining design work on the grills involves the attachment of the grills to the existing frames. He stated that there will not be a problem having the grills in place in time for the building dedication.
- Status of program for future Veterans’ Memorial updates: Mr. Cook stated that he is in possession of all design factors and actual components of the Memorial in its final form. He will produce a CD of same for City archives and future reference. He stated that he is still reviewing options regarding updates to the Memorial, and will have a finalized plan for presentation to the MRC within 30 days.
- Discussion of “Move-Back” bid opening. Mr. Clark stated that four bidders had responded to the Invitation to Bid: CMS at $33597.00, East Side Movers at $29950.00, Siracusa Moving and Storage at $25420.00, and Nationwide Movers at $22,972.00. Mr. Clark stated that he had verified information supplied by all bidders, and that all had submitted correct bids and were in compliance with the conditions outlined in the Invitation to Bid. Mr. Clark motioned that the MRC approve the bid from Nationwide Moving and Storage, based on the price bid and the excellent performance they had provided on the previous City Hall move. The move was seconded by Mr. Cook and unanimously approved by the MRC.
- Discussion of sidewalk and landscape plans including replacement of maple tree with a transplant from Coe Park: Mike Clark stated that the licensed arborist from Entire Tree Service, LLC, Matt Klimkosky, was of the opinion that the maple tree disturbed by the sewer line connection to the street would survive. He further stated that it was not wise to transplant a mature tree at this time of year, and furthermore that the Colorado Blue Spruce being considered for transplant was subject to a blight that is rampant in this part of the state, and is taking a heavy toll on mature trees. He stated that he was NOT aware of any evidence of the blight affecting the spruce trees under consideration. Mr. Clark stated that he had seen affected spruce trees in the Litchfield area. For these reasons, a decision was made to leave the maple tree
and not transplant the spruce tree.
- Other Business: Mr. Clark stated that he had prepared a draft letter terminating the lease of office space at 59 Field Street effective 5/21/10. Mr. Clark asked the MRC to consider funding the installation of a security fence at the Traffic Building even though it was not part of the project originally. He stated that the project would be supervised by the City, and billed at the State bid rate. Mr. Clark motioned that an allowance of $12,500.00 be set for the fence installation with any overage paid by the City and any remaining balance returned to the City. The motioned was seconded by Mayor Bingham and unanimously approved by the MRC.
- Adjournment: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 on a motion by Mr. Zordan, seconded by Mr. Clark.
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